Deuces Universe

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Gotham City

(sing chorus)
City of justice, City of love
City of peace for every one of us
We all need it
Can't live without it
Gotham city........

The city where
Love is replaced by mean mugs
And the only hugs and shoulder shrugs
Are given when catz embrace slugs
White gloves are used often
To carry coffins
Of black men lost in
The city
Gotham city
Where the streets show no pity
Plenty lost lives and souls empty
Down street drains
Flooding jail cells like hurricanes
Cocaine and street fame
Keep cats locked to the game
Nines and glock 22's to the brain
Claim the young brothas
Caught in the hustle
Where black men just as well cut cha
Than luv ya
The city where crooked cops pollute city blocks
The absence of Pops
Lead to the street hustlin and selling rocks
Can't stop
Won't stop
Living by the code of the streets
A man's worth measured by the number of gold and platinum teeth
Beat by the system, a victim
Of Willie Lynch......ism
No longer hanging from ever greens and oaks
But from marijuana plants and dope
Mind full of no hope
Can't cope with the idea of being broke
Thoughts clouded by weed smoke
Morals and family values are a joke
In the city
Where social acceptance is the only goal
Tight whips and clothes come before saving souls
Beautiful sistas are bitches and hoes
Slammed like car does
Stepped on like floes
Once descendents of Kings and Queens
Now dealers and crack feens
All behind that bling bling
Where's my commissioner Gordon or Batman
Streets ruled by the gatman
AKA the Blackman
Goblin up the youth like pacman
And the same catz who do these crimes
Morn the deaths at second lines
To imitate the catz that spit rhymes
And they don't realize
It's just lines
Said inside
Of studio booths
And the truth
Is those boyz would probably run
Before the draw heat and shoot
But they sell that crap to our youth
To pollute their minds against hard work
And doing what I gotta do
Justifies the hurt
They create
And is worth
One's fate
Dead or in jail
No parole, no bail
Forced to find GOD within the confines of a cell
Where the glitch in the system has failed
Making true what Willie Lynch said back in 1712
We don't have to beat them any more
Use their fear, distrust, and envy against them
Pitch the young niggaz against the old niggaz
The light skin niggaz against the dark skin niggaz
Make them envious of each other's social status
And it will forever keep their minds locked in bondage
And well in check
And that's why we still wear chains around our neck
Value money with a tight grip
Put so much emphasis on having the tightest whip
Trip when someone has something better than us
So we rob, steal and kill using our guns to bust
In the city
(sing chorus)
City of justice, City of love
City of peace for every one of us
We all need it
Can't live without it
New Orleans city............


  • a city we know all too well!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 6:54 PM  

  • You are so for real with that. This is the truth. Lot of folx can't handle the truth. I just came from the damned city. Sat in the mall for a minute. Girl sat beside me looked down her self righteous little nose at me because I’m living in Texas right now. I’d rather be in New Orleans. That’s the place I love, but her attitude. I don’t miss that shit.

    Might post some pix on the blogspot.

    By Blogger John-Reuben, At 10:34 PM  

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